1. Breakout! Feeding the Five Thousand
    Zacchaeus                             Jairus’ daughter                    Jesus talks to the crowds
    Mark 6:30-44
    Luke 19:1-10
    Mark 5:21-43
    Luke 6:27-28,31
    2.  Raging Waters John the Baptist
    Stilling the Storm              
         The Gerasene swine
    Mark 1:1-12
    Mark 4:35-41
    Mark 5:1-20
    3.  Catacomb Rescue The good Samaritan
                                             The sower
    The unmerciful servant
    Luke 10:25-37
    Luke 8:4-10
    Matthew 18:21-34
    4.  Ready, Aim Fire! Jesus blesses the children
    Blind Bartimaeus
                                             The man with a paralysed hand
    Mark 9:33-37; 10:13-16
    Mark 10:46-52
    Mark 3:1-6
    5.  Sink or Swim The Pharisee and the tax collector
    The house built on rock
                                             Jesus heals the paralytic
    Luke 18:9-14
                     Matthew 7:24-27
    Mark 2:1-9, 11-12
    6.  Starlight Escape The Magi
                                               The flight into Egypt
                                              The Annunciation
                                              The birth of Jesus
    Matthew 2:1-12
    Matthew 2:13-16
    Luke 1:26-35,38
    Luke 2:1-19
    7.  Roar in the Night The lost sheep
    Jesus heals the dumb man
    The widow’s mite
    Luke 15:3-6
    Mark 7:32-37
    Mark 12:41-44
    8.  Captured The centurion’s servant          The prodigal son Luke 7:1-10
    Luke 15:11-32
    9.  Trapped The Transfiguration                  Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem
    The wicked tenants
    Mark 9:2-10
    Mark 11:1-10
    Mark 12:1-9
    10.  Tricked by a Traitor Judas agrees to betray Jesus
                                             The anointing at Bethany
    Jesus predicts his betrayal
    he Last Supper
                                        Peter’s promise
    Mark 14:1-2, 10-11
    Mark 14:3-9
    Mark 14:17-21
    Mark 14:22-25
    Mark 14:27-31
    11.  Tried and True Gethsemane: Judas betrays Jesus
    Jesus is tried by the high priest and Peter’s denial
    Jesus is tried and flogged
    Mark 14:32-48
    Mark 14:53-72
    Mark 15:1-20
    12.  Caught at the Crossroads The Crucifixion

                                                The two criminals
    Jesus’ last words
                                         Joseph of Arimathea and the tomb
    The Resurrection

    Jesus appears to Mary

    Mark 15:22-41
    Luke 23:34-35,            39-43
    John 19:25-30
    Mark 15:42-47
    Mark 16:1-8;
    John 20:1-10
    John 20:11-18
    13.  The ends of the Earth The road to Emmaus
                                                Doubting Thomas
                                       Meeting in the upper room
                                             Jesus at the lakeside
    The Ascension
    Luke 24:13-35
    John 20:24-29
    Luke 24:36-41
    John 21:1-13
    Acts  1:4-10